3 Hidden Hampton Roads beaches to visit.
Water views when you live on the East Coast are a dime a dozen. You can head in almost anydirection in Hampton Roads and find a sandy spot to lay down a towel and crank up the music
loud. If you're looking for a spot that's a little less “tourist trap” and a lot more “breathtaking
beauty”, try heading to one of these 3 amazing hidden gems.
Grandview Nature Preserve
Just off the beaten path In Hampton you'll find the enchanting Grandview Beach. The area itself
is home to over 475 acres of salt marsh, tidal creeks, and a long stretch of Chesapeake Bay
coastline. Patrons are welcome to walk the trails, observe the migrant birds, fish, or just enjoy
the quiet beauty of the shore line! There is a short walk through the preserve to get to the
secluded beach so pack accordingly! The preserve and its beach is open year round from
sunrise to sunset! Parking can be a bit tricky, but is free and runs along the right side of State
Park Drive!
Outlook Beach at Fort Monroe
As the name suggests this stretch of beach is on the inactive Fort Monroe Base. It’s open and
free to the public as it was decommissioned back in 2011. Feeling secluded is easy when you
are surrounded by water on all sides! The amazing views, old military artifacts, fishing pier and
lighthouse all in close proximity will fill your day with sand, sun, and fun! Take a stroll down the
boardwalk and watch the waves dance along the shore line or come early and watch the sun
rise over the water to start your day. While the beach is open year round from sunrise to sunset
lifeguards are only present Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Kiptopeke State Park
Last but certainly not least on our list is Kiptopeke State Park. This gorgeous stretch of beach is
nestled on the south end of the Eastern Shore in Cape Charles, its spectacular view nods to the
area's WWII maritime commission. While you swim the day away make sure to check out the
string of concrete ships about a ¼ mile off the coast. Once used as a protection barrier for
extreme weather, these ghost ships are now home to a plethora of native fish, birds and
shellfish! While you’re visiting you can also enjoy fishing, boating, camping, and hiking!
The end of summer is fast approaching, whether you visit one of these beaches or the dozens
of others in our area enjoy yourself. Stop to take in the sights that our beautiful area has to offer. Kick off your flip flops, get sandy, and dive in.
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